What Disruptive Quality Means to Me & ClaimPay MD
"A disruptive quality about my opportunity is that right now is revolutionary timing for a rapidly changing Industry. The Healthcare is now one of the top growing Industries, bringing in billions of revenue each year. With updates on Regulations & Laws, Electronic Data & Security Breeches, Insurance Policies & Payment Procedures, to ICD-9 Coding advancing into ICD-10, and electronic health records exchange and patient powered care-we all see in the news that there is a lot of change going on in Healthcare and this can be quiet an Head Ache & costly for Medical Providers. In order to keep up with the consistently changing trends in this market, there is a lot of training to do. Innovation in the Healthcare Industry is an advancing evolution and outsourcing, has become a new resource for the medical world. With headlines reading that outsourcing is the new choice many providers are making- to cut costs and get rid of their in-house billing department right now is the perfect time to start up ClaimPay MD.. This is a new and trendy innovation that helps create a new value and market in network with this ever growing Industry. And this will eventually disrupts the existing market of in-house billing and replace the value network by displacing that earlier technology of using in house administration, and becoming a new technology outsource for the future."
by *Toni Lauren Vossen October 7th, 2015
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